Behind the mists of memory,
In that time called "World War II,"
There were Soldiers of the Light,
And Heroes 'Round the Moon,
Bulldogs pounding code,
Eagles who refused to die.
Like an Act of God,
The Pen became a Sword,
Knowledge sank the ships -
The Just saved by the Friendship
Of the Eagles of the Light,
And the Bulldogs 'Round the Moon.
While the medals began to flow
And the cities were rebuilt,
One hero would not be treated as such -
This was The Bulldog Amidst The Flowers.
Towards none did he harbor malice,
But fear hardened others' hearts nonetheless
Blinding them to what he'd done;
Like an old, tear-soaked tragedy
From a kingdom long since gone.
They made the Dog of Flowers suffer,
Until that one black day
He had to make it end,
This swordless hero left his mark upon us all:
Eagles, Bulldogs, all the people of the world, all just the same -
When he bit the Apple of Fate -
The fruit which should make us all remember
Our instinctive drive to sin.
When our Stones of Hate and Fear struck him down,
A Lunar Rainbow was cast all 'round the Earth,
A final tribute to the man:
A man who saved so many
With only the Pen
Never the Sword.
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