The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
23 August 2006
Poem: "An End to Fighting, Verse I"

This is the second poem for the morning, the "sister" born at the same time as "Unexpected Things." Its approximate rhythm is drawn from the song, "The Sound of Silence," by Simon and Garfunkel.

Fenris presents, "An End to Fighting, Verse I:"

An End to Fighting (Verse I)

by Fenris F. (Jeff R.)

Written 8/23/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition 8/23/2006

Lay in bed all nice and warm

Fulfilled the dream of “welcome home;”

It's a respite from the mystery lair

The unrelenting of the Golden Death

But tonight I rest in the arms of one I love,

With stars above...

In this moment, an end

To fighting.

DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)

Poem: "Unexpected Things"

Upon awakening this morning, I knew I wanted to write a poem, but didn't know exactly what - inspiration can be weird sometimes. In the end, it came out in the form of two poems - this one, and the one which I'll post in a few minutes, most likely.

Fenris presents, "Unexpected Things:"

Unexpected Things

by Fenris F. (Jeff R.)

Written 8/23/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition 8/23/2006

One should not fear

Life's unexpected things;

Remember what wasn't done today

Is tomorrow's what-has-been;

You can't tell what'll happen

It doesn't mean that it's bad...

For the best things in life,

May be those we can't predict.

DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)

22 August 2006
Update: Second Edition of "The Futility of Magic for Coffee-Making."

Although I've actually had permission to use the wolf character's name in this story for a while now, I've just now gotten around to updating it.

You can read the Second Edition here.
Miniature Short Story: The Ultimate Fate of Fenris Fox?
While roleplaying the other day (on FurryMUCK), I thought of an idea for a miniature short story. It deals with an idea for a possible end for Fen, if he doesn't die in battle first. It is still a single scene, but it falls into my "miniature" category, since it's larger than the earlier sub-miniature I posted here.

Well, enough mumbo-jumbo. Without further delay, Fenris presents, "The Ultimate Fate of Fenris Fox:"
The Ultimate Fate of Fenris Fox

The Ultimate Fate of Fenris Fox?

By Fenris F. (Jeff R.) ( fenrisblog **AT** gmail **DOT** com )

Written 8/22/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition, 8/22/2006

(See end for special copyright information relating to this particular story.)

Fen lies down in bed, thinking of the truth he uncovered the other day: “I may live a long time, but, nothing truly is forever. I, like the stars I draw my power from – will one day die.”


In these end times of the Fenrisian rotation of the universe, only a few stars remain shining. All mortal beings have long since met their maker – only the hardiest of non-mortals really have any standing in the universe.

As time passes, Fen can feel his own Judgment Day approaching. “I’m not going to fight or con my way out of this one,” he thinks to himself. “I can only hope I’ve done my duty well, and pleased He who has given me these gifts.”

Time itself seems to be coming unglued and warped. Fen perceives it passing slowly, and quickly, at the same time. “Well, this is it. Even my advanced knowledge of the Chronological Arts just went out the window.”

Whether in an instant, or an age, the last of the stars goes black.

I accept my fate, Lord. I will not fight to hold onto the Star Power I have left.” With these words, a large white flash emanates from Fenris – he has cast the last of his celestial powers into space. “You helped me so much with your power, warm stars of the heavens. In return, I shall willingly join you in death.”

Suddenly, a psionic voice breaks the solitude of Fen’s plight. “You have done so well with the Star Power. I have been pleased beyond imagination… and in return, I will remain with you, in your final moments. I would not abandon the righteous, and let you die alone.”

Thank you, my Lord.”

No, thank you, for following your mortal soul, and not the demons’ path of darkness.”

So… if I may speak frankly?”

Of course, my child.”

What will happen to me now, since the stars are gone?”

Well, your demonic powers will meet the same fate as the stars:

  1. The End of the Stars: You will, and actually already have, lose your celestial power.

  2. The Stored Nogitsune Energy: Much as a star will begin to fuse helium in a desperate attempt to stay alive after exhausting all of its hydrogen, your body will begin to expend its reserve of stored, nogitsune energy.

  3. A Fading Will: Eventually, even your nogitsune energy will be depleted. At that point, your will alone may very well sustain you for a couple of weeks, as your body begins to break down.

  4. The Soul Released, At Last: In the end, you will no longer be able to hold your physical form. In addition, without any energy input, your demonic components will cease to exist. At that point, your mortal soul will be released.

Will I.. go to heaven?”

Most demons would find that to be impossible. However, with your mortal soul, it is possible. You are indeed unique. Most demons who were born from mortals shed their souls within weeks, completely blinded by the sheer power of their new form... but your conscience, and love for mortals, has allowed you to keep your soul through the aeons.”

Are Misty and Justin up there? Will I see them again?”

They both made it there, and still remember you. In fact, I had to calm them – they thought that you could not enter Heaven, since you are a demon. They cheered up when I told them that you still have a mortal soul.”

Will I see them again?”

I cannot judge you, until it is time for you to be judged.”

Fenris nods at his Lord.


I feel.. so weak,” Fenris mutters.

Your magic is gone, and your corporeal body is degrading quickly.”

It's time, isn't it?”


Then... I ask for forgiveness, for any sins I may have forgotten to mention.”

Fenris feels an odd sensation, as his body disintegrates, and his shining soul is released.

...come with me, Fenris. Your last few sins are forgiven. You've fought long and hard for the forces of good, even fighting against your inner sin. Through years of practice, you learned to use the Power of the Stars to heal, as well as harm... and the more time that passed, the more you used the former, and the less the latter.

You have earned your rest.

Fenris, it's time to come home.”

...Fenny... Fenny...” Fenris feels a nudge as he opens his eyes. “Are you going to sleep all day, Fenny?”

Fen gets a face full of drool from the tongue of his wolf-pup companion, Justin.

So, it was just a dream?” Fenris thinks to himself.

Are you going to stow away in my pocket, Fenny? Today's a school day,” Justin wurfs, as he wags his tail happily.

Sure,” Fenny says with a smile, as he transforms into his mouse-size pet form, jumping in Justin's shirt pocket.

It may have been a dream.. but I will uphold my oath, and make you happy, my Lord... I will help and love mortals, until the day when you decide it's time for me to come home. I have faith in You...”


SPECIAL COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Justin is Copyright 1983-2006 by his player. He has been borrowed in good faith for this non-commercial work of fiction. Anyone who wishes to build upon this work is hereby informed that Justin is likely not covered under the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. The rest of the work, however, is.

DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my story. =:o)

13 August 2006
Sub-miniature Short Story: "The Futility of Magic for Coffee-Making."

Don't ask why I wrote this.. it's just something ridiculous I thought of, when I couldn't sleep last night. I'm not expecting a Pulitzer.. hell, I don't even expect some tin star from a Crackerjack box. =;o)

In any case.. for now, the wolf will remain nameless. This may change in the future. Safe to say, the kitsune is yours truly. =;o)

UPDATE: I now have permission from the wolf's player to use his name. So, I will now write the second edition.
The Futility of Magic for Coffee-Making
An impromptu sub-minature short story, by Fenris Fox (Jeff R.)
Written 8/13/2006; Original Web Release, Second Edition: 8/22/2006.

Two furs, Fenris the kitsune and Justin the wolf-pup, stand together in the kitchen. Fen couldn't sleep a wink, but Justin's rearing to go. Justin starts a coffee pot going for his vulpine companion. The 'sune stares at the pot, impatiently, with a clouded mind.

"Why does water take so darn long to boil," Fen inquires.
"Heck if I know.. I hate physics. Too much damn math," replies Justin.

Fenris finally loses his temper, and floats into the air, away from the pot.

"Oh shit!" Justin dives for cover.

A huge burst of red flame jumps from the 'sune's paws, striking the coffee pot. Smoke obscures the area for a minute or so; at the same time, neighbors swear they can see a miniature mushroom cloud coming up from Justin's abode..

"Now, THAT'S how you boil water!"
"Yeah.. but a heck of a lot of good that'll do you with ashes for coffee beans. Not to mention no cup, or counter, or sink, or..."

04 August 2006
Re-definition: "Politics."

This is, like, way wrong.. but I have to post the idea. I'm sure a lot of people feel this way, whether they have the gumption to come forward or not.

Politics (n): See BULLSHIT.
01 August 2006
Ink Drawing: Technolution

Inspiration is a weird thing sometimes. Part of the time, it snaps right to you; other times, it can follow a long and convoluted trail. The latter is what happened on this piece.

It was indirectly inspired by the song, "(Hey Why Don't You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song," by B.J. Thomas. However, it wasn't direct. I originally wanted to do a bar scene, with a guy stooped over a big mug of beer, and a jukebox blaring in the background - the guy "somebody done wrong." I don't know why, but I ended up focusing on the jukebox instead - and since the idea came while studying for an exam - and listening to a modern Creative Zen MicroPhoto at the same time - I decided to concentrate on the evolution of the technology. Portmanteau these words, and you end up with "Technolution."

And, in all honesty, I suppose one could also portmateau "revolution" and technology to get technolution - technology has had such and effect. However, that is not the aim of the piece.

Of course, the question anyone from the Fandom is going to ask if they read this is: "IS IT FURRY?!" Well.. a little bit. I decided to add an InuYasha-inspired paw to hold the MP3 Jukebox on the Present Day side. Do note that it doesn't follow InuYasha exactly (too much fur), and it is not canon Fenrisian material, although it does have something to do with Fenris.

Now.. Fenris presents his first ink sketch ever to be published anywhere - "Technolution," Original Web Release, First Edition, 8/1/2006:

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(Click here for full-size version)

Pencil Drawing: The Anomaly of Room 125

I made the original, crude concept sketch of this piece in my microeconomics class, during the summer session which just ended. As one might guess, the relevant room number is the one in the title. I just was so bored.. mainly because I was tired. I mean.. who in the heck wants to listen to microeconomic, mathematical mumbo-jumbo at 8:00AM? Most people I know - including those in college - were busy doing more important things.. like partying! LOL +~~~=:o)

In any case, "Room 125" incorporates some ideas that will be in the upcoming Fenris literary storyline. While it is clear that the work is inspired by Star Trek, it is also obvious that some things are quite different.

Enough babbling on my part. Fenris presents, "The Anomaly of Room 125," Original Web Release, First Edition, 8/1/2006:

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(Click here for full-size version)

Pencil Drawing: Fate

This is not a furry drawing.. not everything that's going to end up here will be. However, I do think it helps to illustrate where I think our own real-life planet is heading.

In case anyone has trouble understanding it (my sketching is admitteldly crude), the big quarter-circle structure in the lower right is a Roulette wheel.

Enjoy! +~~~=:o)

"Fate," Original Web Release, First Edition (7/30/06):

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(Click here for full-size version)
Pencil Drawing: Always a Light
I got a new sketch pad last night, and decided to break it in at the same time. I don't know why I drew this.. it just came to me. When you do any kind of art, that can happen.

Anyway, it's cuddly 9-tail Fenny sailing through the air, over a vast ocean. Note the moon and star on the right, and the star on the left - he flies toward the happy, shiny one.

The drawing is in line with one of my core life mantras - the "Ray of Light" of Pandora's Box fame.

Now, for your viewing enjoyment, "Always a Light," Original Web Release, First Edition (7/30/06):

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(Click here for full-size image)

Assorted writings & artwork of a furry. Sometimes presented from the point-of-view of the author's "fursona" (personal furry): Fenris "Fenny" Fox, the futuristic kitsune.

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