The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
30 July 2006
Poem: Lost Upon a Word, Lost Upon the Tides
(1/2 philosophical reflection, 1/2 love ballad.)

This poem was inspired by the Simon and Garfunkel song, "The Dangling Conversation." As I usually do when writing poetry, I use the rhythm of an existing song to time the poem - this frees me up to concentrate on the wording, which is my strong-suit. So, yes, you will notice that portions of this poem will fit in - at least roughly - with "The Dangling Conversation's" tune. However - as always - the ideas and words are original, and my own.

BTW, if you have never listened - and I mean closely, not just passingly - to Simon and Garfunkel, you should try. IMHO, few artists in the last 60 years have packed so much meaning into their songs.

Now, for your reading enjoyment, "Lost Upon a Word, Lost Upon the Tides:"


Lost Upon a Word, Lost Upon the Tides

By Fenris Fox (Jeff R.), 7/30/2006

Original Web Release, First Edition (7/30/2006)

We try so hard to find

How to speak from mind to mind

But it always falls far short,

No matter what I write..

Five more letters on a page

Pigment, power upon the wind,

Count the stanzas, lines, or paragraphs;

You'll never know what was lost.

Like those who came before us,

Our gestures are still crude

Our meanings tied in knots,

Betraying an artist's thought..

It's the master of Greek legends;

No tragedy can compare

How did we even fare,

How many even care?

We praise our meek advancements

As if we really matter,

But all that rises, falls

We can never stop the clock..

I can only woo your image;

I cannot touch your fur!

I cannot hear you purr!

So far, but in my mind..

Lost in a future's void

To the smallest of details,

Your path is always scattered

Adrift in your own world..

And you will always haunt me

Till I am just some dust

Till males no longer lust

But in the search for you, I trust..

I will always try to find you,

Somewhere lost within my mind..


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