"Link & Length, Heart & Soul"
By Fenris F. (Jeff R.)
Written: 9/19/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition: 9/19/2006
Sacred but yet debatable,
Cherished but yet ethereal;
This is but some of the nature
Of what we call the human heart & soul.
Sometimes moving us to rage,
At other time to righteousness;
Central in massacre and mercy alike,
Is this thing we call a heart.
Some of us look toward the heavens for a cross,
And a sign from up above;
Some of us look toward the plains of Earth,
And the secrets it may hold;
Some simply seek to help others,
Thinking one day they'll be gone.
But what all of us seek
Is a mantra and a tie,
Which can tie together all we do
During the time which we are.
Some turn to the sword,
Others, to the pen;
Some look to where we'll go,
Others, to where we've been;
Some search for where we'll end,
Others, for where we began.
So we should not look up at those
Who happen to follow our ways,
Nor down on those who look elsewhere
For answers to our days.
King, executive, President,
Simple laborer or peasant,
Even the wandering vagabond
Seeks to learn these lessons;
To find their binding link
Upon humanity's common chain;
The chain of belonging and purpose,
Which brings meaning to our pain.
The chain is our hearts,
Our very souls
Those which make us one;
But only time will be our judge
On choosing the olives, or the gun.
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