The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
14 November 2006
Poetry Catch-up, Part I: "Of The Paper or the Pen," "DigiZaster," "My Muse"

I know I'm not one to normally combine multiple works into a single post; however, I have such a huge backlog of work - mainly poetry - in my notebook, that to publish them all separately would be rough. It'd flood not only all the old posts off the page, but also overflow it, so even the new ones won't all show!


Of the Paper or the Pen
By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition 11/14/2006

A fox of light,
One way I'm pulled;
This day I mull my choice;
Must I be one,
Can I be both?

Fox of the Paper,
Fox of the Pen;
Is it where I go,
Or where I've been?
One solitary price
Or the sum of them?

DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)

By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition 11/14/2006

Dive in the digital age
Quest in vain for the sage
Drown in information's drink
While millions watch you sink.

Look around the bend,
Someone's pressing Send
You just got the worm,
Now you'll crash and burn.

Running for the safe
Gotta get the tape
Backup didn't take -
Little fish got ate!

Dive in the digital age
Quest in vain for the sage
Drown in information's drink
While millions watch you sink.

For hours move the 'sor,
Your eyes'll start to burn
Ruffle up your fur,
To get things as they were!


DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)


My Muse
By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition, 11/14/2006

Those of us who write,
Those of us who draw,
And even those of us
Who sculpture what is wrought -
We all have one.

The story upon the cave,
The owl upon the coin -
All is driven by the Muse.

Though the world changed -
Chisel, reed, stylus,
The quill, the fountain & the ball,
Typewriter & computer -
All is still the same,
All is driven by the Muse.

You've got one if you've got the gift,
Deny it, and it's a lie;
It may be something you like to share;
It may be something you try to hide.

For some it was a drug,
For some it was a dream;
For me it is something they never could have seen.

And while it is not internal,
And something that I hear;
That it will still take its toll
Is something that I fear.

But whatever price my Muse will take,
Whatever 'comes of me;
My feelings say that this is right,
So that is what will be.


DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)


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