The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
11 December 2006
Commentary: My Position Has Not Changed

Someone seems to be dragging up the spectre of the death of Princess Diana up again.. saying something like, "they're going to prove her death to be an accident, once and for all."

Now, some of the hypotheses are pretty far out there - the British intelligence services ordering her assassination, the CIA "keeping tabs," blah blah.

My $0.02?

Her death was no assassination - but neither was it a simple accident.

Ever since her death - in my life, that's a long time, folks! - I've maintained that the paparazzi chasing her shared in culpability for her demise.

It's simple logic - yes, Di's chauffer was drunk, and shares in this too. However - booze or not - I refuse to believe that he would have taken a 120 MPH joyride down the street for no reason. Such reckless speeds would not have been achieved, had the paparazzi not sped up each time Di's party tried to evade.

Now I have little knowledge of the laws of England - however, if this happened in many places in America, I strongly suspect that what the paparazzi did would have been a serious crime. I doubt that it would hold up as a murder charge - but I'm sure that it would hold water on either a manslaughter charge, or criminally negligent homicide.

In my humble opinion, if it were to happen here, it would be a gross miscarriage of justice for these people to get off scot-free. They certainly are in the legal system of Britain - but luckily, in the court of public opinion, we can be the judges.

DISCLAIMER: Don't do anything stupid! Words are legal, violence is not. I am not to be held responsible if you do anything illegal - I said "judges," not "executioners." If I sound paranoid writing this disclaimer, watch some more cable news and Law & Order.
However, she died in Paris, so British laws wouldn't hold in this case either.

But I concur with you.

Damn press.

I care little for politicians' and celebrities' private lives. I care much for how they conduct themselves in the course of their business, however.

Especially the politicians.
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