The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
24 January 2007
Real World: When others don't like you getting the tutelage your tuition paid for.

ANGST WARNING: This article is angsting; furthermore, it is a personal attack upon another - although anonymous - person. I firmly believe that getting one's feelings out of their body in some way, shape, or form is a key to long life and happiness; however, since many a furson has expressed a dislike for "stereotypical emo-blogger" writings, I've slapped this semi-satirical disclaimer here. Proceed at your own risk. Do not bend, crush, or fold. Hot coffee may burn your "breeding goodies." Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Not to be read by the Postmaster General unless eating ramen while watching anime with girls in sailor outfits, spinning in a circle, and yelling "kitsune-bi!" three times.

Someone in a class of mine thought it would be cute to come up to me, and blame me for having a long class - she said my "interruptions" were going to keep us there all night.

These "interruptions" were my questions to the teacher, and contributions to the class - a class that was starting to interest me.

God help me for trying to break up the monotony of logic - and most of all, for taking advantage of the tutelage that my tuition is supposed to pay for!

What really bugs me though, is that - in my humble opinion - she has no right to be griping:

She has a car. She drives - enjoying the comfort of her car's heater, no less - in peace, quiet, and (relative) safety, to and from school.

I ride the bus across town for over two hours each way. At night, it's as cold as Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell; I need coats and hats that few people in this valley ever need to pull out. I have to deal with drunks, methheads/crackheads/potheads/[insert-name-of-controlled-substance-here]heads, bums, whining kids, psychos, gangsters, a complete rainbow of uncategorized imbeciles (and I mean from red to violet, folks!), and even an occasional baseball-bat wielding thug.

So... lady, if you ever happen to find my little Web-den and read this.. please - with all due respect - grapple your complaint and shove it in that place your tail(s) cover.

[And before anyone asks me if I feel better... yes. Yes I do.]
Dunno about modern college, but 20 years ago, when I was studying, the class was a set amount of time, regardless of "interruptions" or the material to be covered. Has it changed? Does this instructor let you out early?

If not, then that bitch should drop the course.
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