"Maybe they can get rid of the furries while they're scraping out the gray goo."Now, think about the following quote from this article:
"As has been widely reported, that interview, which took place in front of a packed house in CNET Networks' Second Life theater, was sabotaged by a group of "griefers" who attacked Anshe Chung with a 15-minute digital barrage of flying penises and doctored pornographic images..."Continuing:
"[C|Net:] How are they defaming? Isn't it just parody? Bad taste, but parody nonetheless?Does anyone still think we're the ones that most need to be scraped out of Second Life?! LMAO!
Graef: ...But even according to American standards, I think imagery that shows penises forced onto a woman is a gross sexual assault and by far not a parody."
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