The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
16 January 2007
Shadows of Cyberspace: And Some Think Furries Are The Gray Goo?

I saw a post on a C|Net forum a while back talking about the "gray goo" worm which struck Second Life a while back.. while I don't have a link to the post anymore, it said something like this:
"Maybe they can get rid of the furries while they're scraping out the gray goo."
Now, think about the following quote from this article:
"As has been widely reported, that interview, which took place in front of a packed house in CNET Networks' Second Life theater, was sabotaged by a group of "griefers" who attacked Anshe Chung with a 15-minute digital barrage of flying penises and doctored pornographic images..."
"[C|Net:] How are they defaming? Isn't it just parody? Bad taste, but parody nonetheless?
Graef: ...But even according to American standards, I think imagery that shows penises forced onto a woman is a gross sexual assault and by far not a parody."
Does anyone still think we're the ones that most need to be scraped out of Second Life?! LMAO!

They couldn't dream crazier @#$! up on LSD!
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Assorted writings & artwork of a furry. Sometimes presented from the point-of-view of the author's "fursona" (personal furry): Fenris "Fenny" Fox, the futuristic kitsune.

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