The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
31 January 2007
The Silver Lining: Boston police and commerce pwned by Aqua Teen Hunger Force marketing campaign. Later: Cartoon Network [likely] to soon be uber-pwned by the legal system. Whoops!

Given the whole situation happening in Boston, Massachusetts today (i.e., some jokers placing several suspicious packages as a hoax, making them look like bombs - and indeed, at least one contained electronics that could be used in an IED [Improvised Explosive Device - military parlance for a crackpot's homemade bomb]), I can find at least a couple of ironic things (using my crystal ball, tainted with my usual brand of stark, dry humour):

  1. Somebody - and that somebody now appears to be Cartoon Network (this is a dark day for anyone related to comics or cartoons - furries included) - thought it would be funny to stage a hoax of this scale.

    Now, I don't know whether they thought it would end up bringing Boston's commerce to a virtual halt - but that's exactly what it did. A real terrorist might have been quite happy with the result of this - they don't need to actually cause death; just fear, disruption, and chaos.

    Well, one thing's for sure - someone's going to answer for this. Shepard Smith (an anchor on Fox News Channel) read off a list of numbers, which were the possible sentences for a conviction on several hoax-related charges; not a single one was less than two figures.

    This may turn out to be the most expensive ad campaign of all time - paid for with hard time. Well over 100 years of it.

    Nice one. =xoD

  2. Now, this could be wrong - since I heard it "out of the corner of my ear," so to say - but this phrase, [I believe was] said by a Boston city official of some kind, takes the cake:
    "Earlier today... [someone] found... a suspicious bomb."
    Is there any bomb that's not suspicious? If so, my guess is, Al-Qaeda/Hezbollah/Ooga-Booga-Bocca-Rocca-Rry already is securing a contract with them. The supplier is likely some poor unemployed scientist-soul in Russia. =;o)
One news headline read, "Not Funny!"

I tend to disagree.. the world's a much brighter place, if you can laugh at human stupidity. =:oD

[And, yes, that includes my own:
"Everybody plays the fool,
No exception to the rule;
It may be factual
It may be cruel,
Everybody plays the fool."

--from Aaron Neville's 1991 remake of "Everybody Plays the Fool;" the 1972 original was by The Main Ingredient.]

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