The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
20 February 2007
Photographs: "To Paint a Pretty Picture," "Crystals of Rain"

Sometimes our best laid plans go awry, only for something just as good - or maybe better - to happen in their stead.

That's what happened to me yesterday.

I was in the garage with the door open, sealing (the previously posted work) "Heaven Gains Another Angel," when it started pouring rain.

(If you've never used a spray fixative, you might not know why I was in the garage with the door wide open.. the stuff is noxious and potent, toxic, and potentially carcinogenic. It has toluene in it - the stuff "paint-huffers" use to get high; unfortunately for them, it can easily kill brain cells.)

Heavy rain is a somewhat rare event in Vegas, and so I stuck around a few extra minutes after putting the last coat of fixative on the drawing.

I then saw a beautiful sight - droplets of rain on the tips of pine needles on a tree in the front yard, like crystals of ice in most places' winters.

Like the racing greyhound, I ran to my room and grabbed my camera.

While the result - seen in "Crystals of Rain" - was half-decent, it wasn't anywhere near as good as the impromptu, spontaneous shot I took near the end of the set.

That photo is the dramatic darkness shown in "To Paint a Pretty Picture."

The only editing I did of the photo, was to obfuscate the license plate on my neighbor's truck. I did nothing to the brightness, contrast, or saturation - the image is exactly as my eye saw it (or, as close as my camera could render it).

This work takes its title from a line in the movie Bruce Almighty:
"Sometimes to paint a pretty picture, you need to use some dark colors."

Click the above preview for the full-sized work.
"To Paint a Pretty Picture."
Click the above preview for the full-sized work (1152x872, 287KB true-color JPEG).

Gratis image hosting provided by Photobucket.

Click the above subset for the full work.
"Crystals of Rain."
Click the above subset portion for the full work (1401x858, 388KB true-color JPEG).

Gratis image hosting provided by Photobucket.
Nice to see the real Las Vegas, even if it is Henderson...
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Assorted writings & artwork of a furry. Sometimes presented from the point-of-view of the author's "fursona" (personal furry): Fenris "Fenny" Fox, the futuristic kitsune.

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