The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
19 February 2007
Real World: Gold-Digging to the Grave

I thought I wouldn't hear anything I'd find noteworthy with all this hullabaloo and over-inflated saturation news coverage of the death of Anna Nicole Smith.

However, what's most interesting is what no one seems to be saying - or at least saying it explicitly..

..the kid is a pawn.

Yeah, all those guys want to find out they're the dad.. and they want the kid..

..just long enough to get the cash. Then, off to some unknown place the kid will go.

I doubt most - if any - of the men claiming to be the father, really care about the kid - they want the cash.

There are two things that really piss me off in this world - to the point where I may throw logic out the window, and even do things I may regret later (or maybe not regret!):

1. People treating animals like dirt;
2. People using kids as "legal footballs."

This is the second of those two. People.. don't use kids that way! That includes in divorces.. if you have to give up a bunch of stuff/money, do it, if it means you can keep from dragging your kids into the mud.

The idea is being passed around that Anna Nicole's kid's father may be the deceased husband - sperm saved in a bank. I really hope it turns out to be.. that way the kid can live with the grandmother, and all these gold-digging gigolos (at least, that's what they seem like to me) can buzz off. They deserve no better.

(Did anyone notice how Anna Nicole's body went unclaimed for quite some time, while the "cavemen" duked it out over the gold nuggets? It's like that South Park episode, where all the kids "went ape," and one was left standing on top of all the others' unconscious bodies.)
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