The Next Rotation - The Universe of Fenris Fox
Breaking the Fourth Wall
On certain occasions - so far, only in furry roleplay, and not in canon writing - Fenny has been known to break the fourth wall - in other words, to be fully aware of his existence as a figment of the imagination, and speak to the outside world in a manner indicative of such.
This is the principle I was thinking of when I wrote the following little musing. It is first-person, fourth-wall-piercing Fenny. =:o)
Bye Bye, Fourth Wall...
I find it amusing that I bear so much similarity to a Japanese human legend, and also tend to be put into concrete form with a ballpoint made in Japan! =xoD
Fenny's CommentaryIf you take home one unique message from the movie adaptation of "Over the Hedge," let it be this:
"We eat to live; they live to eat!" --R.J. the Raccoon, referring to First World Humanity.
This is exemplary of what has been citied by others as one of the best benefits of the furry metagenre - the opportunity for an alternate viewpoint, from which to look upon ourselves.
I'd never thought of this message before watching "Over the Hedge." Have you?
...I looked into my pocket notebook, and found a mirror. In it, I gazed not upon my face, but upon my soul...
Poetry Catch-up, Part II: "Time is the Paradox," "Time & Faith," "And He Took My Place"***
Time is the Paradox
By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition, 11/30/2006
Time, the Enemy,
Time, the Ally -
The paradox is the purpose -
It depends upon the time!
Time & Faith
By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition, 11/30/2006
Time & Faith are alike;
Both are evident,
But neither can be defined.
And He Took My Place
Inspired By "The Bridge" by Elton John
By Jeff R.
Written 10/30/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition, 11/30/2006
It tried to hide
Inside my head
Didn't listen to
What anyone said -
Don't want to deal with it,
It just wouldn't jive;
It didn't fit their beat,
It didn't match their time;
But it's part of me,
There is no other way -
My Fenris Fox -
My great escape!
It is now,
The time has come;
I have crossed the bridge,
Fen came the other way;
And he took my place
While I was far away
And now he's part of me,
He's here to stay!
Fenny helped opened up my eyes,
To things both in and out
To which I was blind;
In every one of us
Among the lot of us..
I'm not the only one
Who's felt this pain!
Don't want to deal with it,
It just wouldn't jive;
It didn't fit their beat,
It didn't match their time;
But it's part of me,
There is no other way -
My Fenris Fox -
My great escape!
It is now,
The time has come;
I have crossed the bridge,
Fen came the other way;
And he took my place
While I was far away
And now he's part of me,
He's here to stay!
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Poem: "When Two Feet Equal Two Light Years"
I most likely wrote this the other day when circumstance had me feeling like I was throwing my works into a brick wall. Sometimes, I feel as if trying to get all the things I have to do is as futile as fighting the Borg.
When Two Feet Equal Two Light Years
By Fenris F. (Jeff R.)
Written 11/2006 on an unknown date; Original Web Release, First Edition, 11/30/2006
Surrounded by heaven and I cannot take it,
At the finish line but I cannot make it;
What wrong do I do,
What wrong do I do?
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thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)
Mixed Prose/Poetry (Belated): Veteran's Day
Yes, it may be a couple weeks late - but better late than never. Things have a way of getting hung up in my pocket notebook.
***[Article written on Veteran's Day, hence chronological references may appear incorrect.]
About 11AM or so, I saw a touching thing on the Fox News Channel. The Commander-in-Chief dedicated a museum to the history of the U.S. Marine Corps. - an organization which predates our Declaration of Independence (the Marine Corps. were founded in 1775), and whose honor and sacrifice my feeble language could never hope to do justice to.
Concluding the press conference was the most touching thing of all - the awarding of the 2nd Congressional Medal of Honor of the War in Iraq.
I've watched documentaries and looked at a book describing some of the things done by these men to earn the Medal - and it made me feel like I was standing by the ocean. Compared to what these people did - often giving their lives in the process - I can only feel like a grasshopper living off the huge sacrifices of the ants.
And if I feel this way just from media sources, imagine what those closer to these heroes feel like.
Today's Medal of Honor went to Corporal James Dunham. After fighting an Iraqi insurgent in hand-to-hand combat, a grenade rolled out, threatening to kill both he and his two Marine comrades.
Without hesitation, he jumped on the grenade, using his own body - his own life - as a shield, to absorb the violence of the weapon.
Some people think a special place in Hell should be reserved for those who commit the most heinous of acts; when I hear things like this, though, I feel as if a special place in Heaven should be reserved for those who commit these ultimate, selfless acts. If there is such a place, Corporal Dunham is surely there now, along with our Father*.
The enemy wanted to see three helmets on rifles (the sad symbol of a fallen soldier) - but thanks to this brave man, two of them lived to see the sunrise of another day.
When I think of tales like this one - or any of these selfless acts from any war - I have a feeling I cannot describe. It wells up throughout my whole body, and has the power to inspire in me both thought and art.
It is not sadness,
It contains respect -
It demands love
It makes me think of the Eagle soaring in the sky.
It makes me feel as if I also fly -
Knowing what its like to be free...
This is the Land of the Free;
Because it is the Home of the Brave!
A thanks to all those who lived through hell to make our lives worth living -
But a bigger thanks, to those whose souls rose to touch the face of God,
And whose bodies line the Hallowed Ground from Washington,
to Tarawa & Iwo Jima,
Normandy, Vietnam,
and through the Mists of Time to Afghanistan and Iraq.
To this simple modern writer,
Your lesson has not been lost.
As long as we remember,
You shall never die;
Upon my soul I do swear,
Your lesson I shall always pass on
With any means that's mine.
**** : I added this paragraph at the time of typing - which would be today, 30 November.
Outrage!Remember that little pocket watch I showed in my last post? Well.. it ain't no Timex - it didn't even get a lickin', and it stopped tickin'!
I'm going to see if I can take it back tomorrow - if they refund my money, I may exchange it for a similar one - giving the maker the benefit of the doubt. It's possible that it was a lemon.. or that I did something wrong to the movement (maybe overzealous winding or something).
If I do get an exchange, I know which one I'm going to exchange it for - and I'll post another photo.
Photograph & Rambling: Mechanical Pocket Watch
Preview has been cropped.
Click the preview above for the full-size version (776x866 pixels, 72KB JPEG).Gratis image hosting provided by Photobucket.
Last Friday, two pocket watches on sale at Wal-Mart caught my eye. They weren't the ultra-cheap quartz ones; they had mechanical movements, although they certainly weren't [monetarily] valuable (they wanted $29.98, I think).
What really attracted me, though, was the way they were designed - the clockwork was part of the artwork of the piece, permanently visible through double windows (one in the face of the watch [the obverse], and one in the back [the reverse]).
This Friday, I gave in, and bought one. I had a bit of a problem deciding which one to get - one had a hinged cover; the other was always open, but came with its own belt holster. Both were pretty (IMHO), and had the "open clockwork" styling.
I ended up getting the open-faced one - mainly because:
1.) I couldn't imagine wearing a vest, which would provide the proper pocket;
2.) Not all my pants have watch pockets - but with the holster, I'd always have a watch pocket;
3.) When my Grandfather came to look with me - which wasn't a bad idea, since it is an anachronistic item which he would be more familiar with - his eyes were caught by the bold Roman numerals on the face.
(The hinged one had Roman numerals, too; however, they are only visible when the cover is open. It is notable that the clockwork is visible through the front of that watch, even when the cover is closed - making it triple-windowed.
I have done one drawing - yet to be posted - which features a large analog clock face. It makes my preference for Roman numerals evident.)
Upon getting it home, I wound it up, and instantly thought of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III (FF VI for the purists..), which both had artwork and themes resembling the movement of this machine's clockwork. It helped me connect more deeply to this feeling.. which was a prime inspiration for the Fenrisian Universe in the first place.
(And yes, the Fenrisian Universe [circa 3300 A.E., the timeframe Fenris writes in this blog from] is basically far-future science fantasy [mainly magic science], while FF VI and most of Chrono Trigger are basically steampunk. However, I think it would be pretty evident where the connection is if you play Chrono Trigger for a while.. listen to what you feel in your bones, in your heart, when you step through a time portal in there - or when you look upon the mechanism of Setzer's airship in FF VI.)
I've decided to share a picture of the watch. I'm putting up a picture of the obverse of the watch first; I have a picture of the reverse on file, and may post it later, after working on it some more.
I'm not under any illusion that this is a valuable watch; its value to me is in the artwork of its movement. So please, no gloating about expensive timepieces.
(Even my friend Hiram L. - who took the "Double Rainbow" and "Desert Sunset" photographs posted previously on this blog - has me beaten on this. He has a railroad chronometer as a family heirloom! =:oD )
Poetry Catch-up, Part I: "Of The Paper or the Pen," "DigiZaster," "My Muse"
I know I'm not one to normally combine multiple works into a single post; however, I have such a huge backlog of work - mainly poetry - in my notebook, that to publish them all separately would be rough. It'd flood not only all the old posts off the page, but also overflow it, so even the new ones won't all show!
************************** Of the Paper or the Pen
By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition 11/14/2006
A fox of light,
One way I'm pulled;
This day I mull my choice;
Must I be one,
Can I be both?
Fox of the Paper,
Fox of the Pen;
Is it where I go,
Or where I've been?
One solitary price
Or the sum of them?
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By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition 11/14/2006
Dive in the digital age
Quest in vain for the sage
Drown in information's drink
While millions watch you sink.
Look around the bend,
Someone's pressing Send
You just got the worm,
Now you'll crash and burn.
Running for the safe
Gotta get the tape
Backup didn't take -
Little fish got ate!
Dive in the digital age
Quest in vain for the sage
Drown in information's drink
While millions watch you sink.
For hours move the 'sor,
Your eyes'll start to burn
Ruffle up your fur,
To get things as they were!
DISTRIBUTION AND ATTRIBUTION INFORMATION: If you wish to distribute this work, it is sufficient to copy it, in its entirety, when redistributing it (including the title, by-line, and version information at the beginning of the work; as well as this footer). This will include the by-line, which will suffice as the form of attribution to the author required by the Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution 2.5 license. I, the author, do not care whether redistribution is done in electronic or printed form. And, if you're still reading this footer, thank you for caring about my wishes, and reading my work. =:o)
My Muse
By Fenny F. (Jeff R.)
Written 10/27/2006; Original Web Release, First Edition, 11/14/2006
Those of us who write,
Those of us who draw,
And even those of us
Who sculpture what is wrought -
We all have one.
The story upon the cave,
The owl upon the coin -
All is driven by the Muse.
Though the world changed -
Chisel, reed, stylus,
The quill, the fountain & the ball,
Typewriter & computer -
All is still the same,
All is driven by the Muse.
You've got one if you've got the gift,
Deny it, and it's a lie;
It may be something you like to share;
It may be something you try to hide.
For some it was a drug,
For some it was a dream;
For me it is something they never could have seen.
And while it is not internal,
And something that I hear;
That it will still take its toll
Is something that I fear.
But whatever price my Muse will take,
Whatever 'comes of me;
My feelings say that this is right,
So that is what will be.
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Combination: Power Eternal!
I'm proud to announce that I - the fuzzy fox-demon Fenris Fox - have found a solution to the energy crisis of 21st century Earth.
You see, the country called the United States is hosting a totally ineffective organization in one of its large cities. This organization is called the United Nations.
While worthless at stabilizing your planet's geopolitical situation, it could be useful for solving one of Earth's most pressing issues.
You'd only have to put one of these outside the front door:

Photo credit: Wagner Christian; shared June 2006 under the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution Share-Alike License. (Obtained from Wikimedia.)
To maximize power output, it may be feasible to place one of these near the front door of the U.S. Capitol building, as well. =;o)
Random: "Fireworks" to "Celebrate"?
Fox News Channel relayed a statement made by Iran, that their nuclear program is "nearly complete." They also said something about a "celebration".
I wonder if this "celebration" will include "fireworks" - the multi-kiloton variety. Over Israel.
(I can't help but think the idea of embargoes, isolation, or other economic pressure on a nation like Iran or North Korea is a huge joke. I remember a commentator saying that it's too late - Iran already has all the resources it needs to finish; I agree with this view.
Besides, these countries seem to have no problem with isolation; heck, they welcome it! I'm afraid it'll take a military solution to have a prayer of preventing another Holocaust.
Time is like a river - it flows in one direction only, but also has many loops and bends. History repeats for those who are unwary.)
/Bend down and kiss your tails goodbye, World War III is almost here! =;oD
In other news: No yiffy yiff yiff @ 30,000 feet? =xoD
Vent and Rant (Prose): The Line in the Sand
Having nothing else to fight about, my Grandpa seems to find the smallest imperfections I have, and throw them my way ("Right Here" by Staind, anyone?).
I've said before, to those I know in real life, that my folks want me to be "110% Jesus" to please them - in other words, an unattainable goal. It's not fun to never feel like you're good enough: You try to be the most benign, gentle person you can possibly aim to be - I'm almost like an urban hermit in a way, in my room much of the time and trying not to raise a ruckus - and someone always makes you out to be the flippin' Devil.
I've never put my "110% Jesus" expression in writing before - but here it is. I hope Grandpa reads this:
- I CANNOT BE PERFECT. Only Jesus and the Lord ever were, or ever can be.
- I cannot do everything you want me to do.
- I cannot do ten things at once.
- I cannot work the bug out of your computer - the one that kicks you off of Hearts - without money to buy a new video card. I've already done over a month's worth of research, and contacted some people. It isn't happening; let's not beat a dead horse. When an organ is bad in the body, you do a transplant. Your computer needs a video card transplant!
- I am morbidly afraid of wasps and bees. When we work in the yard, that's why I stop when they come around. It may not be your idea of macho; too bad. Get over it.
- I refuse to keep trying to help prevent and/or fix problems in your computer, just to "keep getting my nose rubbed in the dung." The amount of time I've put into that bucket-of-bolts is worth thousands of dollars - that's what you'd have been charged by anyone else with my level of certification and knowledge. I don't want a wad of money - but to a bit of thanks, and perhaps backing off your Hearts obsession to allow for a full backup one night, would be much appreciated.
- I DO NOT DITCH SCHOOL! I still remember that day when I was terribly ill, about two semesters ago: stomach wretching, head huring, not having been able to sleep in two days. I also remember your reaction, when I mentioned that I needed to stay home - you said you'd throw me on the street.
I hadn't missed a day of school in two years.
So, I went to school that day. On the way, my glasses broke - I was barely able to save the screws. I struggled to keep from tossing my cookies on the bus; I babbled like a drunk man, from the lack of sleep. I was sweating bullets, and likely running a fever. When I got to school, I went to the experimental computer lab - thinking they would have a screwdriver small enough to fix my glasses. They did - but I was so tired and woozy, that it took me a half hour. I stayed in class, and learned nothing - and succeeded in making an ass out of myself, since I had so little proper consciousness left. It's an absolute miracle I made it home that night - considering I had to walk a mile, after navigating the maze of bus routes home.
All this, because you thought I was a "quitter." Well, I'm sorry that Mother Nature always wins in a battle with us poor mortals.
I thought you had changed your tune a couple weeks ago, when I came home early from Oracle class, with a horrible stomachache. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life; I felt as if my internal organs were being crushed. I rolled up in a ball, unable to even stand the pain in any position other than my side. I actually moaned and almost screamed in pain... I broke out into a cold sweat, and my heart completely palpatated, beating fast and seemingly incompletely, very noticeable. I began to repent - I swear upon my soul, I actually was afraid I was going to die.
You suprised me by coming in and at least talking to me.. but it was short-lived. Eventually the pain went away.. but as soon as classes started again the next week, you said, "Don't ditch class; don't leave early."
Oh ye of little faith...
I'm sorry I ever came home early that day from Oracle. I should have just stayed, and collapsed there. I don't know what would have happened.. but I'm willing to bet it would have at least shocked your blind eyes into seeing I'm not a liar.
But then again, you might come to my hospital bed, just to let me know I'm a "quitter."
- I'm sorry that I'm a human being with a heart and soul, and with feelings.
- I'm sorry that I have the basic human desire to have friends.
- I'm sorry that I'm not Jesus, and can't be perfect for you.
- I'm sorry that I'm a mere mortal, and vulerable to sickness and injury.
- I'm sorry that I spent so much time keeping your computer clean over the years, so that the baddies wouldn't hijack it or steal your identity.
- I'm sorry that I have an imagination, and dream of better things than your hellhole of verbal barbs.
- I'm sorry that I argued with you over 1 degree on the thermostat - I didn't think you'd damn near throw an axe at me.
- I'm sorry I stay up past midnight sometimes on the computer, in my room, "keeping you awake" by the clack of my typing, and my watching of non-fiction TV shows. Perhaps you'd like it better if I was out partying, drinking, doing dope, breaking the law, otherwise raising Cain, and you had no idea where I was.
My Grandma's said before that I "have a complex." I certainly do. This is why! I CAN'T WIN!
Poem: To Fear Him, or Fear For Him?
To Fear Him, or Fear For Him?
By Jeff R. (Fenny F.)
Written 11/9/2006, Original Web Release, 11/9/2006
Time has torn all logic
It is scattered to the wind
I can find little trace
Of what a man he once had been;
I know no magic pill
Or a remedy that can cure
The monster that comes forth
When the arguments are sure.
I dream of distant lands
Of the castles in the air,
But Grandma doesn't like it,
And Grandpa doesn't care;
But the more the Earth revolves
The more I long for there
Leave this broken dream behind
Leave for the castle in the air!
Time has torn all logic
It is scattered to the wind
I can find little trace
Of what a man he once had been;
I know no magic pill
Or a remedy that can cure
The monster that comes forth
When the arguments are sure.
One day he said "It's warm,"
I said "Turn the air down more;"
But with all his good sense gone
It went from eighty-three to eighty-four;
I tried to tell him why
The scale goes the other way;
Another scar upon my heart
Is what I got for pay.
Time has torn all logic
It is scattered to the wind
I can find little trace
Of what a man he once had been;
I know no magic pill
Or a remedy that can cure
The monster that comes forth
When the arguments are sure.
I don't know what will please him
What his anger needs to soothe,
I've given up a lot
Though I'm very lucky too;
I stay away from dope
While others smoke unto the grave;
They drink themselves into the ground,
I have one glass a day.
I don't know why I bother him
Or why he cannot sleep;
While 'woofers are ablaze outside
I hardly make a peep;
Am I really bad for being here
And pecking at the keys,
While many of those I used to know
Are picking up disease?
It makes no sense to me at all,
I cannot comprehend,
Why we're torn so far apart
Or where to start the mend;
But even as bad as this sounds
I don't fear so much for me;
I worry that time eats his brain,
That even worse is what he'll be.
I fear him,
I fear for him
But know naught of what to do;
I want to try to help him,
But his verbal sting's so cruel -
"No good deed shall go unpunished,"
When it comes to him, it's true.
Time has torn all logic
It is scattered to the wind
I can find little trace
Of what a man he once had been;
I know no magic pill
Or a remedy that can cure
The monster that comes forth
When the arguments are sure.
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Ink Drawing: "The Written Word"
This pocket notebook sketch was inspired by an interlude on Adult Swim the other day, which mentioned some "obsolete" technologies - among them, "the written word."
I originally was going to remove the notebook lines in The GIMP, but decided that due to the subject matter, it'd be more appropriate to leave the scan untouched.
Fenny presents, "The Written Word:"
Click photo for full-size image (1042x1539 - 581 KB JPEG).Gratis image hosting provided by
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Random: Pot, Kettle, Black, Truth!About 5 minutes ago on Your World w/Neil Cavuto, I heard something that nearly blew the fur off my paws...
...a talking head actually used the phrase, "talking head!"
You listen to these people, and think they know everything.. and all of a sudden, one comes along and says she's sick of hearing talking heads, and thinks nobody knows anything.
Finally.. the truth shines through the skies from the satellites - if only for a moment. =;o)
As long as we always remember...
Photo credit: Joe Rosenthal / The Associated Press, Copyright (C) February 23, 1945. Photo used in good faith for non-commercial artistic purposes; if the copyright owner objects, please email fenrisblog *AT* gmail *DOT* com . (Email address is obfuscated to prevent automated harvesting.)
Opinion: Don't Artificially Influence the Natural Evolution of the English [language] Animal! (Originally posted to the Web with the title, "Google: A Noun or Verb?")(This post was originally going to be a comment on
this blog article on Tidewater Musings, but it grew enough that I think it deserves an entry and a crosslink here. After all, my paw was already on the mouse.. =;o) )
Well, they'll have to sue me.. I've been known to use "Google" as a verb. In fact, I think I'm going to go Google "development of the English language" right now. =;o)
Google lawyers, come here, this little fox'll tell you a secret... =:oP.. *PFFFFT!*
Seriously, who do they think they are, trying to steer the development of the English language. It's a living animal, with is own evolutionary path - the ultimate expression of public domain knowledge, which spans many generations and thousands of miles.
I suppose they have to say
something to protect themselves from a trademark (service mark?) law point of view.. But on the other hand, IMO, the "verbalizing" of their trademark is the ultimate sign of:
- Their success.
- The respect of millions of Web users throughout the world, who have come to like their useful service with its clean interface.
Please don't party-poop, Google. Don't kick the public in the muzzle for their homage to you - reflected in the evolution of the English Animal.
Besides, there are plenty of words which are both nouns
and verbs. Try "search," for instance. When someone goes to Google, they want
to search for something. On the other hand, when the police are looking for a suspect, they might bring in a bloodhound to join in
the search. =:oP
Did I just mention hounds? *gulp*